Business in Free Time

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Business in Free Time

Business in Free Time (Help The Environment – Help Yourself)
Simple women of one apartment building, known only for their home making ability, joined the Tanishka Forum and started a small scale business right from their homes. Business acumen of one lady and determination of others in the group guided them toward financial freedom, restoring their confidence and helping them find their individual identity.

Start a business & help each other contribute to their household income.

“Doing house chores and watching TV shows were the only things that kept us busy,” the Taninshka ladies share their story. “But now the situation has changed. With Tanishka’s support, we have started a small scale business right from our homes.” Gayatri Wabale living in Keshav Complex and her 10-12 friends from the society wanted to do something different and also contribute to the family income in some way, but didn’t know how. Then, they heard about the Tanishka Network. The ladies got together and formed a Tanishka Group and started taking up social projects one by one. However, the fire of starting their own business was burning in their hearts and wasn’t allowing them to sit idle. When they decided to start some business, Tanishka gave them the idea about what they could do.Pune city is currently troubled with garbage disposal of plastic bags problem. These ladies thought that if paper bags are used instead, then the plastic bags issue could be resolved easily. In support of this thought, Tanishka Forum gave them training to make paper bags at home. Thus encouraged and empowered, these women took the challenge of marketing these bags. They approached the local Medical & Grocery shops and Food stalls, talked to them, and handed out samples. Taking notice of their effort to keep the surrounding clean, the shop owners started purchasing the bags from them. Gradually, their daily production and sale of paper bags has reached 1000-1200 with an income of around Rs. 500 per day.Now they have even started a seasonal snacks business (with Rs. 1800 profit in one single day every year) and a candy business (with Rs. 16,000 profit every week). And all this is done in their free time after finishing the house chores. This is an excellent example of how Tanishka helps ladies to not only solve societal problems, but also empower themselves.

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