- 110,000 members and growing
- Spread across 35 districts and every block (administrative division) in the state of Maharashtra
- Over 5,000 inspiring stories of change of grassroots level transformation
Women form the core of every society. The Tanishka Foundation is a Global peer to peer women’s network focused on ensuring the dignity of women at the individual, household and community level. The network works through fora which provide a universal platform for women to come together via the formation of structured community networks that are supported by a multi-stakeholder ecosystem that identifies and resolves core issues affecting them and ensuring them of a dignified life with emotional, physical and financial security. This is brought about through the implementation of a unique, multi layered structured process that results in tangible changes in their lives across all strata of society, empowering them socially, economically and politically. The Tanishka Foundation stands committed to assuring women of the respect and dignity they deserve, and ensuring that they are at the core of Nation Transformation.
The Tanishka Foundation, being a part of the Delivering Change Foundation (forms) a focal point for women to be at the core of nation transformation through a carefully planned and thoughtfully delivered Emotional Connect Programme (ECP).
By ensuring social, political and economic empowerment, the Tanishka Women’s Network aims to embolden women and to build their capacities as change agents to bring about socio-economic transformation in society. The forum encourages and energizes women with the ability and problem solving capacity at the community level to speak up, be decision makers, create visionary change and scale up their efforts to achieve larger impact and realise the full potential.
We seek to address the very heart of issues confronting women – increasing confidence in their own voice and convictions, developing life-skills, and improving the ability to identify paths and resources from within their communities that can eventually contribute to social transformation of the nation.
To globally reinforce women as the change-makers of a modern society.
Tanishka Foundation is a symbiotic network of voluntary forums that works towards restoring dignity to women at the grass root, through social, physical and financial security. Tanishka Foundation aims to encourage and energize women with a thought for social good and a sense of national pride and integrate them as change agents at the ground level. The distinct feature of the Tanishka Foundation is to place women at the centre point of nation transformation, thus assuring them of utmost dignity in human society.
7 areas of work
- Environment
- Health
- Education
- Prevention of Violence in Women
- Land Rights
- Livelihood
- Leadership and participation in governance
Purpose of the Forum
An inclusive woman-to-woman network which encourages rural and urban participation especially from marginalised and minorities.
To strive for the betterment of women at the socio-economic and emotional level.