TANISHKA Foundation envisions a world where women with strong voices become active leaders.
Each Tanishka Forum is a group of 10-15 members in the age group 24-65 years who meet on a regular basis in a friendly and trusting environment. The forum is an avenue to freely share individual experiences and look for local solutions pertaining to physical, emotional and financial security. The members mutually discuss social issues, which is beneficial for women and also society at large. The forum also provides avenues for women to be able to raise these issues at the appropriate levels and bring in a socio economic transformation in the society.

Key Features of the Tanishka Foundation

  • Grass-roots level network
  • Spread across each and every district (35) in Maharashtra with representation from every block
  • Currently 110,000 members and growing
  • Diverse and inclusive
  • Represents minorities, backward and tribal communities
  • Represents urban and rural communities
  • Operates through groups of 10-15 members called ‘Forums’
  • 24/7 communication backbone through call centre
  • 5,000 success stories of grassroots level transformations
