Ban illegal sale of Alcohol

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Ban illegal sale of Alcohol


There is a sudden high rise in the sale of alcohol in the city of Rajura. Even after the local members of Tanishka Foundation held a meeting with the Police officials, no steps were taken to control this situation. This is when the members of Tanishka Foundation decided to fight against the illegal sale of alcohol in the region all by themselves.

On 1st April, 2015, the government took a vital step of prohibiting alcohol in the Chandrapur district. However, even after imposing the ban, several regions including with Rajura started selling alcohol illegally. The situation in Rajura became even more severe when even the local pan shop vendor’s started selling alcohol and the local people threw all the empty bottles on the road. This further resulted into the increase of pollution in the area.

The Tanishka Foundation’s members from this region conducted a meeting with the local people and decided to consult Mr. Sanjay Dhote, MLA and write an application to the Public Works Department to carry out repair work and upgrade the quality of road. The efforts undertaken by the Tanishka Foundation and Mr. Sanjay Dhote were praised by Mr. Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister, Maharashtra. In addition to this, the Chief Minister also agreed to give funds for the construction of a marketing mall in Rajura. The members of Tanishka Foundation involved in this initiative were Mrs. Mata Thakare, Tanishka Head, Mrs. Lata Sur, Co ordinator, Mrs. Pushpa Kodape, Mrs. Sunita Kumbhare, Mrs. Vaishali Hingane, Mrs. Manisha Chatap, Mrs. Asha Mande and other members.

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