Tanishka elections: Do’s and Don’ts!
Guidelines for candidates in Tanishka elections:
- Candidate Tanishkas can campaign till the day before the elections. Personal meetings can be sought with representatives of various organizations and other social groups, (Students, employed men, traders, professors, labor union representatives, teachers, nurses, entrepreneurs, community-based groups like Marwadi or Maheshwari groups) Lion’s or Rotary clubs’ office bearers etc. They should be told date, time and location (school, college etc) for the voting.
- Additionally, positive campaigning can be undertaken via WhatsApp and Facebook. You should underline the reason behind your candidature, your aim, your plan of action etc. For Ex. You will focus on the pending road or water crisis in your village or town, uncover students’ issues, try to create job opportunities for women, learn about laws and help the police stop domestic violence and so on. This is a united movement of Tanishkas for a common agenda. You can send the videos of your previous work (about a minute and half each). You can use smart phones for shooting such videos. These videos can be viewed on e-Sakal. Homepage of e-Sakal features a separate section named as Tanishka Elections. In future, this section will feature candidates’ bio data along with photos. As of now, it houses every single news regarding Tanishka elections. E-Sakal has also undertaken a drive named ‘Vote for Tanishka’.
- Voting can be done only by women above 18 years. Voters should carry a proof of age. (For ex. Election card, Adhar card, driving license etc.)
- Tanishka candidates will be given a mobile phone to be used only on the election day. It will not have a SIM card. The candidate should ask the voters to give a missed call on that number during 8am to 2pm on the election day. A candidate can potentially earn thousands of missed calls as votes. Only one vote (missed call) will be counted from any phone number.
- After giving a missed call, you will get to hear that your vote has been registered. It may take a couple of seconds for the message to play. If the phone is busy, please call again after 2-3 minutes. Once again a message will be delievered. (This procedure will be just like that of registering for a gas cylinder)
- A candidate can wait outside the polling booth during the actual voting. Their families or fellow Tanishka members can wait along with the candidate. However, please ensure that there is no ruckus or chaos created.
- Tanishka candidates will be interviewed by guiding experts in a few days post elections. Social sense and leadership qualities of the candidate will be gauged through the answers. Candidates will be included in various teams based on those answers. A few will be included in the Tanishka cabinet.
Development of leadership qualities o capabilities will be done through organizing necessary workshops, trainings, lectures etc.
Some DON’TS for Tanishka candidates:
- Let the campaign not be very expensive. Do not engage in giant advertisements, huge banners, hoardings etc. Do not advertise in a newspaper. Do not shower give away gifts to voters. Do not indulge in false promises. Do not promise things out of your scope like I will give you a job, I will solve the water crisis or I will become a MLA etc.
- Do not indulge in personal criticism or defamation of the other candidate. Avoid words like” I won, she lost” etc. If anybody is indulging in such activities and is found with valid proof, Tanishka forum reserves the right of cancelling their candidature or selection altogether.